thank you so, so much for writing this – I feel so seen. I’ve been putting off wearing compression socks for years and years due to self-consciousness (why are so many of them so awful looking?!), but my body is not happy with me and I definitely need to start putting its needs first. I remember going to Tiktok to find cute ways to style them and being thoroughly disappointed by the comments and videos I saw, so I really appreciate seeing someone talk about this while sharing their super cute outfits!

I know so many people in online chronic illness communities are too exhausted to think about fashion (I certainly am more often than I’d like), so it’s something I’ve hesitated to bring up until very recently. It means a lot to see someone else work through their own complicated thoughts around this 🤍

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Jun 13Liked by Lili Leaser

Oh but I love the compression socks! Also yes to talking about this! It's so important (but fully understand being over it) and I wish we were generally more curious about how to redesign our world without folks getting huffy about it. The intro to this piece lives rent free in my head lol https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2021/may/19/why-are-our-cities-built-for-6ft-tall-men-the-female-architects-who-fought-back

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Jun 13Liked by Lili Leaser

You have amazing style. So chic and effortless ❤️

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Jun 11Liked by Lili Leaser

Love this essay and literally googling those aloha sneakers rn - that color combo is divine!!

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Love the sweater / denim/ kicks combo - what are the jeans??

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They are the everlane mariner jean! I don’t know if they make these ones anymore but I got them from poshmark :)

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Gah! So cute - love a big hem

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This was such a great and insightful read! Also I love all your outfits, especially the dress you made

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You have great style Lili. I loved every word of this. Thank you for sharing your perspective and fab looks. And ps I’d read your Taylor swift essay

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Thank you Elle this is so sweet!!

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