May 16Liked by Lili Leaser

Thank you for the thoughtful reply on something largely unrelated to the lovely content of your newsletter btw!! I just have terrible circulation and really loved these compression socks I got - and now want to redo my sock drawer to include more! πŸ˜‚ PS I live & work in NYC and still have to pause and do the β€œare these shoes for the me living & commuting in reality or the dream-me in my head?” reality check when shopping!!

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Wait do you like the wellows better than vim & vigr?? I got a pair for a 14 hr flight last year and have literally worn them so much since just for normie office days.

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I have not tried Vim & Vigr! I like Wellow bc they are more compressive (18-25 mmHg) and made of bamboo (breathable). I have both cotton and synthetic pairs of Comrad socks, the synthetic are not breathable and the cotton are not compressive. Vim & Vigr look like they have fun patterns tho so maybe I will have to try...

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