Jun 25Liked by Lili Leaser

Discovered this through notes and loved this! Would love if this was turned into a series (not necessarily buying all the cheap patterns if that’s not something you want to consciously support) but as a beginner sewer, I love reading/watching pattern reviews!

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Yes I will think about this! I have some plans to sew more clothes soon (see the post before this) and can definitely document!

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thank you so much for writing this! I have been eyeing some of these patterns for a while but have been too nervous to make the leap. Now I definitely won’t!

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Yeah just spend a little more and you’ll be good! Good luck!!

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Jun 24Liked by Lili Leaser

Like you, it really saddens me that these are likely the first patterns beginners buy and give sewing such a bad rep! I haven't personally bought any of these but I've heard rumors -- glad to see you go more in depth and confirm suspicions. The two zippers is wild, it reminds me of the earlier AI art with 8 fingered hands.

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Jun 24Liked by Lili Leaser

Wow I had not even thought about the drop-shipification of Etsy in terms of sewing patterns before…. Good to remember when I do finally get into garment sewing (2025! Lol)

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