Now I have project inspo, danke

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Jun 21Liked by Lili Leaser

Love this - I'm a fan of the #7 wedding dress! In the right fabric it could even have a bit of a Cecilie Bahnsen vibe (if you're into that - I defs am). Crafting is suuuuch a great shout when you're unwell. I can also vouch for cotton Clara's hoop club for when you need a quick embroidery fix :)

Re: home decor and jewellery, I find these so damn hard tbh. The only thing that's remotely helped has been lots and lots of Pinterest boards and no purchasing until I can see the 'look' I'm after. With home decor as well, I really believe in buying item by item and not trying to achieve a certain theme - if follow your gut and go with things you love, everything will come together in a way that is uniquely you (or at least that's what I tell myself) Ok, thanks for reading my novel x

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Thanks for the wedding guest dress input!! And I agree and also tell myself that if I love looking at everything in my home then it will work together lol

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